Therapeutic massage is a treatment within physiotherapy that is performed by a remedial masseur and is always provided based on medical indication. Its aim is rehabilitation, most of the time it focuses only on the unwell part of the body. It is a massage type performed for medical purposes in accordance with the doctor’s instructions and recommendations, and it is based on grips of swedish massage.
It includes swedish, segment, connective tissue and periosteal massages. After the massage the masseur uses the adequate displacements and mobilisation techniques.
These techniques regenerate joints, loosen adhesive muscles and also relieve pain by causing congestion. It can be used in combination with movement therapy/physiotherapy.
For therapeutic massage, please bring a comfortable change of clothes.
There are areas that cannot be treated without pain, so there is a chance that we might have to use movements that cause discomfort.
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What you can do for free, pain-free movement? For the answer
register now for a free, private health assessment.
We look forward to welcoming you to our open day on 12 of September, where our physiotherapists will assess your condition in a 25-minute
meeting and, if necessary, determine their further therapeutic
recommendations, and we will send all of this to you by e-mail.
On the same day, you can buy a pass with a 10% discount
and book a one-time therapeutic exercise/therapeutic
massage appointment with a 20% discount.
The open day is free, but registration is required.
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