
McKenzie exercises

Treatment is recommended for:

  • cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal pain,
    sacrum pain
  • pain radiating to lower or upper extremities or scapula
  • hip joint pain
  • reduced range of motion
  • reduced range of spinal motion
  • disc degeneration


  • fever
  • traumatic abnormalities

McKenzie exercises

McKenzie method

The McKenzie method consists of establishing a mechanical diagnosis and a therapy based on that diagnosis. The symptoms, range of motion, location, type and intensity of pain, and response to specific movements (changes in pain quality and localisation) indicate the cause of the symptoms and the correct therapeutic direction. The key to the McKenzie method is not to mask the symptoms but to find and correct the musculoskeletal problem.

McKenzie exercises

Frequently Asked Questions

May I partake in therapy in case of acute pain?

Yes, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible during the painful period.

Is it necessary to take painkillers before treatment?

Treatment should never be preceded by taking any painkiller medicines or substances as covering the symptoms causes false results during the assessment.

After how many treatments can I expect changes?

In the vast majority of cases range of motion increases and pain decreases after the first treatment.

Our McKenzie exercises colleagues

The price of the treatment

McKenzie exercises: 17.000 HUF

6 suitable pass price/occasion: 15.300 HUF