Manual lymphatic drainage is the movement of interstitial fluid to and from the lymphatic vessels. Drenage is based on a specific technique and consists of a series of rhythmic circular and pumping massage movements in the direction and sequence determined by the disease. The lymph is directed towards the opened lymph nodes, where it is made to process the fluid and release it into the bloodstream.
Drainage helps to drain stagnant lymph fluid from the tissues, reducing the symptoms caused by stagnation (e.g. ankle swelling, swelling of the feet). If there is a problem with lymphatic circulation, lymph accumulates and causes swelling in the area. Lymphatic drainage activates the lymphatic circulation, which triggers and stimulates the detoxification process. The boosted detoxification strengthens the immune system, and the strengthened immune system activates self-healing processes.
The purpose of lymph drainage:
The lymph drainage last 50 minutes.
The effects of massage might be noticed after just one session, but 6-10 sessions are recommended for the desired improvement.
In cases of severe lymphoedema, the treatment can be painful.
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