
Fascia therapy

What complaint should we use it for?

  • scrapings
  • pain in fascia lines
  • painful points (trigger points)
  • reduced mobility
  • muscle pains

Factors that exclude treatment:

  • arteriosclerosis
  • aneurysm
  • fracture of bone
  • infection
  • cancer
  • open wound
  • skin injury
Fascia therapy - Trehab physiotherapy

Fascia therapy

What is the mysterious fascia?

Fascia is the most common type of tissue in the human body. All collagenous and elastic fibrous connective tissues, especially joints and organ tissues, ligaments, muscle fasciae, tendons, membranes, retinal fibres.
The fascia system is a complex system, weaving like a spider web throughout the body and participating in its mobility. It connects the muscles to each other and to the bones.

There are 12 fascia lines in the human body, which are important for diagnosis and treatment.

During fascia therapy, the therapist will question the patient in detail about their pain and ask them to try to show exactly where the pain is located, how long they feel it and where the pain ends. From this information, the therapist is able to diagnose which fascia line is affected and then treat the fascia line using the technique they have learned.

Fascia therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the treatment last?

Fascia therapy generally, a treatment lasts 50 minutes.

How many sessions does it take to feel an improvement?

There is usually a significant improvement after 2-3 sessions, but sometimes the pain is gone after the first session.

Is fascia therapy painful?

Depending on the individual, therapy can be painful.

Our fascia therapists

The price of the treatment

Fascia therapy: 17.000 HUF

6 suitable pass price/occasion: 15.300 HUF