Cupping, or cupping therapy has a positive effect on the vascular and lymphatic circulation and mobilizes the muscles as well, therefore it can be used effectively as local treatment. The cup adheres to the upper layer of the skin with the help of vacuum, we use cream or oil for the treatments of various complaints.
Cupping therapy is an additional treatment for physiotherapy or therapeutic massage. Therapists decide about its necessity during the initial assessment, so please select ’physiotherapy with assessment’ or therapeutic massage’ upon reservation.
Skin conditions are taken into account during treatment. In case of birthmarks, varicose veins, fresh scars, acute injuries, burnt skin or elderly parchment skin, our specialists will consider it before treatment.
Treatment should result in perceptible improvement after 1-2 occasions.
Cupping enables the treatment of cohesive tissue layers, where 95% of pain receptors are located. Therapy may cause discomfort or pain depending on individual circumstances and often involves bruising at the treated area. Our specialists inform the patients before treatment.
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