Cupping, or cupping therapy has a positive effect on the vascular and lymphatic circulation and mobilizes the muscles as well, therefore it can be used effectively as local treatment.
Cupping, or cupping therapy has a positive effect on the vascular and lymphatic circulation and mobilizes the muscles as well, therefore it can be used effectively as local treatment.
What is the mysterious fascia? Fascia is the most common type of tissue in the human body. There are 12 fascia lines.
FDM, or fascial distortion model is a new approach physiotherapeutic model that classifies the causes of injuries into 6 different connective tissue dysfunctions.
Flossing therapy helps to relax the cohesive connective tissues and fascia layers thus stimulating circulation, increasing tissue mobility and reducing swelling.
FMS is a simple and fast screening method that provides plenty of information for professionals to set up the proper movement plan.
FMS is a simple and fast screening method that provides plenty of information for professionals to set up the proper movement plan.
The primary goal of today’s functional tape is to create maximum stability besides joint movements and to relieve the load on particular tissue structures.
Lymphatic drainage activates the lymphatic circulation, which triggers and stimulates the detoxification process.
Instrumental manual therapy restores movement between different tissue layers and also affects blood and lymphatic circulation, and is able to loosen the trigger points of reflex movement.
The key to the McKenzie method is not to mask the symptoms but to find and correct the musculoskeletal problem.
Physiotherapy is a conservative form of treatment that aims to prevent and treat neurological and internal medicine diseases in addition to musculoskeletal diseases.
Physiotherapy is a conservative form of treatment that aims to prevent and treat neurological and internal medicine diseases in addition to musculoskeletal diseases.
The aim of the Schroth-method is to straighten the spine with maximum active stretching, to rotate the torso back to the centre with 3-dimensional rotary breathing and to strengthen and stretch the muscles while maintaining the corrected body position.
There are several ways to stimulate this nerve to improve our wellbeing, one of the most effective is by massaging the pressure points.
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What you can do for free, pain-free movement? For the answer
register now for a free, private health assessment.
We look forward to welcoming you to our open day on 21 of November, where our physiotherapists will assess your condition in a 25-minute
meeting and, if necessary, determine their further therapeutic
recommendations, and we will send all of this to you by e-mail.
On the same day, you can buy a pass with a 10% discount
and book a one-time therapeutic exercise/therapeutic
massage appointment with a 20% discount.
The open day is free, but registration is required.
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