My goal is to give people fully personalised help in their sport, training plan.
I got into competitive sailing at the age of 7 and training and racing was the most important part of my everyday life until the age of 21. I came across dietetics and performance enhancement nutrition during my 6 years in the national team. With my teammate, we made huge progress and performance improvements when we were given the right dietetic background and mentoring, which was complemented by working with a sports psychologist and physiotherapist alongside everyday training. My goal is to give people fully personalised help in their sport, training plan and to achieve their goals and to provide strong support in planning their meals following the professional guidelines of sports dietetics.
Professional qualifications:
Tha main techniques I use:
Time schedule:
Biciklizés gyógytornász szemmel Egyre többen fedezik fel, hogy egy biciklivel könnyen, egyszerűen, gyorsan, megbízhatóan, olcsón és nagy szabadsággal közlekedhetnek a mindennapokban vagy kapcsolódhatnak ki a
Trehab © 2025 – All rights reserved
What you can do for free, pain-free movement? For the answer register now for a free, private health assessment.
We look forward to welcoming you to our open day on 13 of February, where our physiotherapists will assess your condition in a 25-minute meeting and, if necessary, determine their further therapeutic recommendations, and we will send all of this to you by e-mail.
On the same day, you can buy a pass with a 10% discount
and book a one-time therapeutic exercise appointment with a 20% discount.
The open day is free, but registration is required.
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A harmadik féltől származó sütik segítenek a weboldal használatának elemzésében, tárolják a preferenciáit és releváns tartalmakat és hirdetéseket biztosítanak Önnek.
Ezeket a sütiket csak az Ön előzetes beleegyezésével tároljuk a böngészőjében.Eldöntheti, hogy engedélyezi vagy letiltja ezeket a sütiket, de bizonyos sütik letiltása befolyásolhatja a böngészési élményt.