
Company name: TEAM Rekreáció Kft.

Adress: 1024 Budapest, Margit krt. 11., félemelet 1.

Phone: 06 20 232 9624



The authority that registered the company: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Company registration number: 01-09-881227

Tax number: 13169505-2-41

Chamber: Budapesti Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara

Hosting provider: 3in1 Hosting Bt. (2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Dévai u. 10/A)

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SEPTEMBER 12, 2024.

What you can do for free, pain-free movement? For the answer
register now for a free, private health assessment.

We look forward to welcoming you to our open day on 12 of September, where our physiotherapists will assess your condition in a 25-minute
meeting and, if necessary, determine their further therapeutic
recommendations, and we will send all of this to you by e-mail.

On the same day, you can buy a pass with a 10% discount
and book a one-time therapeutic exercise/therapeutic
massage appointment with a 20% discount.

The open day is free, but registration is required.