What are these painful nodules?

These pain nodules develop to avoid overstraining as the body’s own protection mechanism. They not only can cause pain locally, but can radiate as well. Their pain can cause reduced range of motion and forced posture.

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NO­VEM­BER 21, 2024.

What you can do for free, pain-free movement? For the answer
register now for a free, private health assessment.

We look forward to welcoming you to our open day on 21 of November, where our physiotherapists will assess your condition in a 25-minute
meeting and, if necessary, determine their further therapeutic
recommendations, and we will send all of this to you by e-mail.

On the same day, you can buy a pass with a 10% discount
and book a one-time therapeutic exercise/therapeutic
massage appointment with a 20% discount.

The open day is free, but registration is required.